Email Call-up from the Builder
This requires the builder to have JobFile integration enabled.
When a builder sends an email from their ClickHome system for the supplier to do a task on a job, it will create a task in JobFile and then send out an encoded link to the Supplier in the call-up email for that specific task.
This JobFile link is highlighted below;
- Click on the link below link 'Open JobFile to Accept'
- The task details screen in JobFile will appear
Ensure you are logged in in order to respond to the builder.
Accept a Task
This is the most frequently used action.If you are able to do the task on the planned date then you can confirm this with the builder by clicking on the 'Accept' button.- Click 'Accept'
- Click 'Yes.
Propose Alternate Date
This is an optional action.If you can’t do the task on the planned date then select propose alternate date and request an alternate planned date.- Click the arrow on the Accept button
- Select 'Propose Alternate Date'
- Choose an alternate date, a reason and a comment then click 'OK'.
Reject a Task
This is an optional action.If you can’t do the task at all (not if you can’t do it on the planned date as there is a propose alternate date option) then you can reject the task.- Click the arrow on the Accept button
- Select 'Reject'
- Enter a reason and a comment then click 'OK'.
Change Booked In Date
This is an optional action. If the builder has given you permission to enter your own booked in date then the booked in date field will be editable. You can enter a different date and accept the task. It will be automatically booked in.- Select a booked in date
- Click 'Accept'
- Click 'Yes'
Update & Progress a Task :
If you have registered an account you will be able to now edit the task to record:Started date;
Due date;
Progression of task via the slider bar;
Completed date;
- Task Reference number of your own; and
- Task Supervisor from your company
Depending what your level of access is you will also be able to view and upload attachments, view and add notes for yourself or notes for the builder and print the task details.
With future functional development you will also be able to view the calendar, see the job on a map, get directions and much more.
Record a Job Not Ready:
This function enables the supplier to indicate to the builder that they have been called up to a job however when they attended site the job was not ready for them to commence work.After clicking on the 'Job Not Ready' button, the following popup appears and you can select from a list of reasons as to why the job was not ready and then write a comment.This information helps all parties by recording that there was an issue with the planning, the site progress or condition of site which prevented you from doing the work as specified. Long term it will help with performance measurement and reporting on efficiencies and may assist the builder with improvement of scheduling processes and procedures.