Different browser types and settings sometimes prevent websites from working as they should.
Examples of internet browsers;
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Mozilla Firefox
If you have any issues when using JobFile try one of the following tips (Internet Explorer has been used in all examples):
- Ensure you are using the latest version of your browser.
Go to:Tools > About Internet Explorer > check that you have ticked 'Install new versions automatically'.
NOTE: if you are using an older version of IE these instructions might be slightly different, check with your IT department if you are in doubt.
- Ensure your popups aren't being blocked from the jobfile sites:
If they are then you can add them to allowed sites: www.jobfile.com.au / http://app.jobfile.com.au/jobfile/account/logon
Add JobFile add a 'trusted site' to your browser settings:
Go to:Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > Sites
Then add the JobFile sites as trusted sites:
NOTE: if you cannot edit the sites check with your IT department as they may need to do this for you
- Set your Security level to Medium-High:
Go to:Tools > Internet Options > Security > Internet
Then check what level of security you have set:
NOTE: if you cannot edit the level of security check with your IT department as they may need to do this for you
5. Compatibility Mode:
If compatibility view is setup i your browser you will need to turn this off.
Go to: Tools > Compatibility View Settings
Then check if JobFile is in the list, if it is remove it by highlighting it and clicking remove.
NOTE: if you cannot edit the sites check with your IT department as they may need to do this for you