Different browser types and settings sometimes prevent websites from working as they should.

Examples of internet browsers; 

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox

If you have any issues when using JobFile try one of the following tips (Internet Explorer has been used in all examples):

  1. Ensure you are using the latest version of your browser.
    Go to:Tools > About Internet Explorer > check that you have ticked 'Install new versions automatically'.
    NOTE: if you are using an older version of IE these instructions might be slightly different, check with your IT department if you are in doubt.

  1. Ensure your popups aren't being blocked from the jobfile sites: 
    If they are then you can add them to allowed sites: www.jobfile.com.auhttp://app.jobfile.com.au/jobfile/account/logon

Add JobFile add a 'trusted site' to your browser settings:

Go to:Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > Sites

Then add the JobFile sites as trusted sites:



NOTE: if you cannot edit the sites check with your IT department as they may need to do this for you

  1. Set your Security level to Medium-High:
    Go to:Tools > Internet Options > Security > Internet
    Then check what level of security you have set: 
    NOTE: if you cannot edit the level of security check with your IT department as they may need to do this for you

5. Compatibility Mode:

If compatibility view is setup i your browser you will need to turn this off.

Go to: Tools > Compatibility View Settings

Then check if JobFile is in the list, if it is remove it by highlighting it and clicking remove.

NOTE: if you cannot edit the sites check with your IT department as they may need to do this for you